My Time of Year…

Tomorrow is the first day of October and I can feel the excitement in me all the way to the middle of my bones. October is my favorite month. I know that the official start of Fall (or Autumn for some of your) has already come and gone, but for me the first day of October is always what does it for me. That’s my starting line for Fall. I know Spring is seen as the ‘rebirth’ of things after a long winter, and baby animals are being born…but fall is when I start to feel refreshed.

I live in Tennessee and we have beautiful hills and mountains. The trees covering them slowly start to turn yellow, orange, red, sometime a purple color- and they are breathtaking. There’s something so beautiful to me about these leaves changing and dying and falling to the ground. Even in their last days they’re beautiful. There’s something beautiful to me about that lone tree with one last leaf hanging on to it, not ready to give up. And the feeling in the air…it gets crisp, it starts to get cold…you start to crave a warm sweatshirts, sweatpants and heavy socks, cuddling on the couch, sitting around a fire and drinking beer or whiskey, you can sleep with your windows open and wake up the sounds of birds and the smells of fall…all of it just fills up my heart and makes me happy. And content. And warm…for some reason.

Football and hockey start in the fall. My two favorite sports.
The world series happens in the fall. It’s my one of my favorite events when my team actually makes the playoffs (thanks Braves…*grumble**frown*)

Oh, but I can’t forget my favorite part of Fall, though….Halloween. I am a big Halloween lover. I love the scares, the movies, the myths and folklore, the haunted houses and trail rides, the little kids in cute costumes trick-or-treating, the decorating – I love every piece of it.

I’m so excited for October. I’m so excited to see where my Fall goes and where the rest of my year goes.

This was definitely a random entry, but there’s a tree outside of my office and it’s starting to change and it inspired me.

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